“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. ”
Director, Bereavement Services Program, Victoria Hospice, 2021-current
Registered Clinical Counsellor, license #15334, 2018-current
Prolonged Grief Disorder Treatment Trainer, Supervisor, & Counsellor, Bereavement Services Program, Victoria Hospice, 2012-current
Bereavement Counsellor, Bereavement Services Program, Victoria Hospice, 2009-current
Bereavement Support Group Counsellor, Victoria Hospice, 1999-current
Palliative Response Team Counsellor, Victoria Hospice, 1999-2009
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Beuthin, R., Bruce, A., Thompson, M., Andersen, A. E., & Lundy, S. (2021). Experiences of grief-bereavement after a medically assisted death in Canada: bringing death to life. Death Studies, 1-10., M. R., Whiteman, A. D., Loucks, K. D., & Daudt, H. M. (2017). Complicated grief in Canada: Exploring the client and professional landscape. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 22(7), 1-22.
Trouton, K., Beuthin, R., Thompson, M., Bruce, A., Lemire-Elmore, C., & Daudt, A. Z. H. (2020). Attitudes and expectations regarding bereavement support for patients, family members, and friends: findings from a survey of MAID providers. BC Med J, 62(1), 18-23.Thompson, M., Rose, C., Wainwright, W., Mattar, L., & Scanlan, M. (2001). Activities of counsellors in a hospice/palliative care environment. Journal of Palliative Care, 17(4), 229.
Thompson, M. R., Whiteman, A. D., Loucks, K. D., & Daudt, H. M. (2017). Complicated grief in Canada: exploring the client and professional landscape. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 22(7), 577-598.
Thompson, M., & Wainwright, W. (2016). Transitions in dying and bereavement: A psychosocial guide for hospice and palliative care. 2nd Edition. Health Professions Press.
Cairns, M., Thompson, M., & Wainwright, W. (2003). Transitions in dying and bereavement: A psychosocial guide for hospice and palliative care. Health Professions Press.
M.A., First Class, Faculty of Human & Social Development, University of Victoria, Canada, May 1994
B.A., Honours, School of Child & Youth Care, University of Victoria, Canada, May 1991